BELGIUM — Brochure “B… comme Belgique”

B… like Belgium

Pavillon :


32-page color brochure on Belgium with many photos. "This brochure is just that: a message of friendship, an invitation to come and visit us in Belgium to discover the scenery and the reasons for our joie de vivre: charming landscapes, a rich and lively artistic, cultural and folkloric heritage, a cuisine worthy of esteem, the love of work well done, the appetite for comfort and the sense of hospitality."

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[Classification call number: BEL001].

This document is available in its entirety scanned in high definition 1200DPI format. It is presented here in a reduced version to facilitate the display of the page.

Author: Institut belge d'information et de documentation

Editor: Institut belge d'information et de documentation

Language: French

Collection: Private collection

Dimensions: 8,28 x 10,78 inches

Number of pages: 32 p.

Degree of rarity: Common